I hosted the intimacy hour for the Tantra Institute where I discussed suggestions on how to have a difficult conversations with people you are intimate with.
Sanjay hosts the Intimacy Hour for the Tantra Institute where he discusses techniques of what you can do when you feel a conflicted desire.
I was interviewed by Hana Sim for a Korean audience on providing ideas on how to love yourself during the pandemic.
Dating for long term love - A Masterclass on how you can create the love that you desire in your romantic relationships.
I hosted the Intimacy Hour for the Tantra Institute and I discuss how to have conscious endings. This material goes into greater depth in the ‘Heal from Heartbreak curriculum”.
Vicky, 55, Business Owner, St Albans
Anon, 55, Sign-Language Interpreter, Greater London
Eben M, 28, Project Manager
Missy, 56, Project Manager, Seattle
Ranelle, 36 Jewelry Designer, London
Denise H, Business owner
Michelle S, Court Reporter
Hashin P, Software Developer