We empower you to transcend the pain of heartbreak and unlock your full potential for love and happiness.

What has led you to this moment...

✔ Are you someone who has experienced the pain of a romantic heartbreak?

✔ Has your self-esteem taken a hit, leaving you feeling unworthy of love?

✔ Do you find it difficult to express your emotions in a healthy way?

✔ Do you feel that you were completely willing to work on the relationship, yet you still ended up getting your heart broken?

‘Heal from Heartbreak’ is a transformative coaching process that is designed to help you find closure, and rediscover your strength to embrace love again.


In our approach, we understand that healing starts by expressing and releasing your emotions in a safe and supportive environment. Through our Release phase, you'll embark on a deep exploration of your heartbreaking experience, allowing yourself to release pent-up emotions and find catharsis. Our compassionate coach will guide you through this process, providing a space for emotional release and healing.

Next, our Reflect phase focuses on empowering you to learn from your previous experiences and develop new ways of behaving. Together, we will dive into the lessons from your past, helping you gain valuable insights into what went wrong and how you can create better future experiences. Through reflection, self-discovery, and personalized guidance, you'll uncover patterns, identify areas for growth, and acquire the necessary tools to foster healthier relationships.

The final step in our approach is the Refine phase, where you will learn how to continually refine what you have learned and put your new behaviors into practice. Building upon your newfound self-awareness, you will explore new connections, engage in transformative experiences, and develop the skills to create more fulfilling relationships with others and yourself. Sanjay will provide ongoing support, helping you navigate challenges and integrate your learnings into a thriving and love-filled life.


Your Relationship Transformation Coach

As a relationship coach and workshop facilitator with years of experience, my passion lies in helping individuals create long-lasting, loving, and healthy relationships. Through my workshops on dating, conscious relationships, consent and boundaries, personal power, energy, and conscious touch, I have guided over 1,300 people in their journey towards fulfilling connections.

Having personally experienced the pain of two deeply heartbreaking situations, I developed the transformative process of Heal from Heartbreak. By combining my own recovery insights, the wisdom gained from facilitating workshops, and my extensive coaching knowledge, I have created a comprehensive approach to help individuals heal from difficult, unloving, and unhealthy past relationships.

My healing process encompasses allowing the expression of emotions, practicing self-care and self-love, learning valuable lessons, developing healthy relationship skills, fostering forgiveness and closure, embracing the present moment, engaging in joyful activities, reflecting on personal growth, and confidently re-entering the dating world.

By entrusting me as your guide through this journey, you can experience the same positive results that my previous clients have achieved. Together, we will embark on a transformative path towards healing, growth, and the creation of loving, fulfilling relationships.

This transformative program is designed for individuals who desire to:

✔ Heal past relationship hurts and transcend the pain of heartbreak.

✔ Find closure, and rediscover your strength to embrace love again.

✔ Feel empowered to create fulfilling and lasting relationships.


Our four-month programs will take you through a process which allows you to express your emotions in a safe container, learn from your experiences and incorporate any lessons into new behaviours which will enhance your life and relationships. Key modules of the course focus on releasing stuck emotions, man/women relating, incorporating new experiences, conscious endings and self-love.

As you progress through the course, you will develop a comprehensive roadmap that equips you with new strategies for navigating challenging phases in relationships. By gaining a deeper understanding of your past experiences, you will learn to respond differently, avoiding previous mistakes and embracing more effective approaches. This empowering shift in your behavioral patterns will empower you to foster healthier and more fulfilling connections in your future relationships.


You will receive the following:

Personalized roadmap for your healing journey

Focused attention from someone who has been through this process

Exercises, journaling, and accountability tips for building good habits

Personal guidance and support from a coach who is available to you between sessions

1:1 Virtual Coaching Sessions

16 private sessions, each lasting two hours in length

Investment £4786


You will receive the following:

✓ Connect & relate to others who are going through a similar heartbreak experience

✓ Shared group experience and learning from other members in the cohort

✓ Each individual course is aimed at a specific gender to create greater trust and connection.

✓ Participate in 12 Group calls 90 minutes in length via Zoom

✓ Additional individual coaching: benefit from one additional individual coaching call per month

Investment £1678

Note: The option for in-person is available For 1:1 Private sessions for those located in London, UK.

In-person fosters a deeper connection and more immersive experience.

  • “This has been an empowering course of therapy. It has been nourishing and healing after a long and unpleasant marriage. My grown-up children have noticed the difference, and my friends say that there is something different about me. Sanjay is kind, and wise, and has helped me see myself as a woman who has something to give the world, and not what my ex told me I was.”

    Vicky, 55, Business Owner, St Albans

  • “In the sessions with Sanjay, I have come to reassess my life and my understanding of myself in a way I did not with other forms of therapy. I have never been listened to as attentively in my life, and I have gained a sense of self which is new. Sanjay has helped me feel comfortable with my body. This is something I thought was impossible. Rest assured you are in safe hands with him.”

    Anon, 55, Sign-Language Interpreter, Greater London

  • “Sanjay holds space for his clients extraordinarily well, which allows me to drop into a deeper, intimate, transformational place. I can be absolutely honest with Sanjay, to a level that I do not often get with others in my life. Thus I can expose myself on a deeper level and examine my patterns, conditioning, stories and core beliefs and see how they serve, or fail to serve me. I highly recommend Sanjay as a coach.”

    Eben M, 28, Project Manager

  • ”Sanjay is wonderful to work with; he is very present and attentive. I appreciated how Sanjay held the container and made me feel safe, to feel whatever I needed to feel.”

    Missy, 56, Project Manager, Seattle

  • "I coached with Sanjay. He doesn't judge and gives you space to see your thoughts and feelings. It's one of the best things you can do for yourself. I've gained so much insight about myself, and what I want."

    Ranelle, 36 Jewelry Designer, London

  • "Sanjay excels in his precision and attention. He has had an impact on my life and relationships. I recommend Sanjay as a coach."

    Denise H, Business owner

  • “Sanjay is an insightful man and is not afraid to say what he sees. He is good at assisting you with taking practical steps to ensure that you get exactly what you want. I recommend coaching with him, as it will help you to achieve your goals.”

    Michelle S, Court Reporter

  • “Sanjay’s approval for himself is what had drawn me to him. I had problems with my confidence with my sexuality and how I believed that I did not have what it took to become confident in myself. He’s great at pulling the genius out of me even when I don’t believe in myself and proving me wrong where I had the wrong beliefs.”

    Hashin P, Software Developer

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London, UK